Our center Our center is located in the center of the city and is fully equipped with valid diagnostic test that can detect directly and validly difficulties and abilities of your child. It features a sensory integration room evaluation and treatment of learning disabilities programs and facilities for the use of other therapies . The head of center The business center is Melpomene Pouliassi pediatric occupational therapist . Born in Patras in 1985 . In 2004 he joined the Department of Occupational Therapy TEI of Athens , where he graduated in 2008 where he began to practice the profession of occupational therapist . TRAINING : Specific Learning Difficulties - Dyslexia (Professional Certificate in Specific Learning Difficulties), Sensory Integration Method (Sensory Integration), Biennial training and supervision in pediatric occupational therapy . Method structured SPC / ing «TEACCH», process sensory defensiveness (Protocol Wilbarger), Therapeutic Listening (Therapeutic Listening). Since 2010 he is recognized and authorized to grant A TEST preschoolers . She trained in other test development and school readiness test . In 2008 he began working as an Occupational Therapist in PTC Ioannina. In 2010 he began collaborating with private centers in Patras as an Occupational Therapist. In 2011 he created the site with a value in Patras . Receives continuous training Seminar . He has published articles in journals , newspapers and websites .
Telephone: 2614000184
Mobile: 6944149463